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photo of Sarah Ausmus Smith

Sarah recently defended her dissertation "Three Essays on Governance, Inequality and Social Equity" and will graduate May 6, 2022.  The next chapter in her career will start in Richmond, Virginia where she will join the Commonwealth's Department of Social Services as a Senior Research Associate.  Sarah chose work outside academia because "I was looking for opportunities that were mission-driven and would put my skills and knowledge to work. I am passionate about human services, and I love working with people. This position fit the bill! I look forward to tackling research projects that help us promote economic, physical, and social well-being through better policy."

Sarah received her MPA from the Martin School as well and she is confident her PhD program prepared her for her future employment.  "Our training is so robust and well-balanced. It's amazing how much we pack in to our core coursework from so many disciplines, and I feel really well equipped to take on new challenges. I'm particularly grateful for the rigorous methods training."  She received tremendous support from her advisor, Ed Jennings, and her committee: Raj Darolia, Annelise Russell and Rick Waterman.  "I would never have pursued this degree without Genia Toma, and I never would have gotten through it without J.S. Butler. Honestly, every single faculty member at the Martin School has contributed to my development and success in some way throughout the years. And my classmates! Our community is small, but it is mighty."

We want to wish Sarah the best of luck in her future endeavors!