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Recent PharmD/MPA graduate, Taylor Williams' article on Independent KY Pharmacies

To keep Kentucky’s independent pharmacies alive, Congress must rein in bad actors | Opinion

Doctoral Candidate News David Shi, Doctoral Candidate Senior Research Associate at Texas A&M

It is not uncommon for our doctoral graduates to go on to exceptional careers in academia, government, non-profits and beyond. Some of them, like David Shi don't wait. Early in June 2023 David Shi accepted a position as Senior Research Associate of the Public Policy and Research Institute (PPRI) of Texas A&M.  He explains the job this way,

Doctoral Program Graduates Congratulations to 2023 Doctoral Program Graduates: Partom Juniult and Matt Young

Along with Kyung Ha Oh (see earlier story), both Partom Juniult and Matthew Young successfully defended their dissertations and have completed their doctoral program. Congratulations are due to Dr. Young and Dr. Juniult.

Doctoral Student recognition Doctoral student Regina Lewis wins UNITE RPA award for research poster on racial wealth gap

On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, current doctoral student Regina M. Lewis earned one of three first place awards for Graduate and Postdoctoral Students at the UNITE Research Showcase for her for her poster presentation on "The Racial Wealth Gap and Differential Risk of Entrepreneurship."

Doctoral Graduate News Kyung Ha Oh successfully defends dissertation

On Tuesday, April 18th, Martin School Doctoral Candidate Kyung Ha Oh successfully defended her dissertation. Titled, Three essays on rural education: Descriptive studies focused on federal rural definitions and policy changes, the dissertation discusses “how rural and non-rural schools can be perceived differently depending on how we define ‘what is rural’,” to quote Dr. Oh. She explains:

Faculty Spotlight Dr. Annelise Russell to Speak at Library of Congress' Kluge Center

Join the John W. Kluge Center for a discussion of the ways that digital communications have transformed the ways that Members of Congress intract with the public.

Undergraduate student, Zach Owen, interns with LGBTQ+ Victory Institute in DC

This Pride Month, the Martin School of Public Policy and Administration is celebrating undergraduate Zach Owen (’24), who is interning on the hill thanks to the LGBTQ+ Victory Institute.

Dr. Caroline Weber awarded one of UK Cannabis Center's faculty pilot grants

The University of Kentucky Cannabis Center has awarded its first set of faculty pilot grants to support innovative and collaborative cannabis research.

Dr. Rajeev Darolia appointed U.S. Department of Education senior advisor

Rajeev Darolia, Ph.D., the Wendell H. Ford Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the University of Kentucky’s Martin School of Public Policy and Administration, has joined the U.S. Department of Education as a senior advisor in the Office of the Chief Economist for one year.

Martin School makes history with graduation of 1st undergraduate cohort LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 5, 2023)

During the University of Kentucky’s 2023 May Commencement, the Martin School of Public Policy and Administration will celebrate the first full class of undergraduates to earn a bachelor’s degree in public policy.

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