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UK Student Lindsey Porter Gives Insight on Unique PharmD/MPA Joint Degree

Since 1997, the Martin School and the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy have jointly provided this unique dual degree program, the first of its type to be offered in the nation.

Victory Institute names Benjamin Hong Starr as the 2021-2022 Victory Congressional Fellow

Current MPA student Benajmin Hong Starr is the newest Victory Congressional Fellow named by the LGBTQ Victory Institute.

Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, UK Martin School host final part of urban-rural issues roundtable series

Reprinted from UKNOW -  By Martin School Report Friday

Reprint: Top policymakers and researchers explore education in Kentucky’s urban-rural divide

From Jacqueline Pitts story on The Bottom Line News: Did the pandemic affect urban and rural schools differently? Do students in rural school districts have as many options for educational choice as students in urban districts? Are both urban and rural districts struggling to attract and retain teachers? 

Dr. Zimmer's Research into COVID Impact on School Reopenings Garners National Attention

"A new study by University of Kentucky researchers estimates the return to in-person learning in Texas last fall led to at least 43,000 additional COVID-19 cases and 800 deaths within the first two months." Full Story at UKNOW.

Two new undergraduate scholarships available starting fall 2021

The Martin School is pleased to offer two new undergraduate scholarships starting in fall 2021: the Michael and Margaret Ruehling Undergraduate Public Policy Scholarship and the Martin School Undergraduate Scholarship.  

Andrew Sullivan to be Assistant Professor at Southern Illinois University

We're proud to announce that Andrew Sullivan successfully defended his dissertation on April 7th and will be joining Southern Illinois University Edwardsville as an Assistant Professor in Aug. 2021. 

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