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Our annual field trip to Washington DC was a success! Thirteen students and two faculty members met with public servants, including a few alumni. Our trip kicked off with practitioner panels, including the NGA, CSG, American Red Cross, CBO, and SSA. We traveled to the Department of Education to discuss their work with innovation in education, and finished the day with a visit to Representative Barr's office and an alumni dinner. Our trip concluded with visits to the State Department, GAO, and with US AID. And of course, no trip to DC would be complete without a guided tour of the Capitol building!

We gleaned so much from our sessions with practitioners in the field. Their passion and commitment were inspiring! Some of our takeaways:

  1. Relationships matter.
  2. Some of the most important personal qualities for success include adaptability, positive attitude, and a sense of humor.
  3. Communication, communication, communication! We should hone our writing and speaking skills.
  4. Dr. Hackbart is right--budgeting makes the world go round.

2015 D.C. Trip group photo