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Martin School receives gift to create diversity and inclusion program Miriam Jane Van Dyke Barager Endowment for Diversity and Inclusion

The Martin School of Public Policy and Administration has received a generous donation to establish the Miriam Jane Van Dyke Barager Endowment for Diversity and Inclusion that will focus on giving students a better understanding of these issues as they prepare for careers in public service and civic leadership. The program is made possible by Judy Barager-Kemper, a Martin School alumna, and her family, and is named in honor of her mother.

Program Offerings Martin School collaborates with College of Design for new master's program Master of Heritage Resources

In a collaboration with the College of Design, we are proud to announce a fully online Master of Heritage Resources Administration (MHRA) which combines historic preservation with management and public administration.  Students take core courses and electives in both Historic Preservation and the Martin School, culminating in our PA 681 capstone. 

Student Reflections UK Student Lindsey Porter Gives Insight on Unique PharmD/MPA Joint Degree

Since 1997, the Martin School and the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy have jointly provided this unique dual degree program, the first of its type to be offered in the nation.

Scholarship Offerings Two new undergraduate scholarships available starting fall 2021

The Martin School is pleased to offer two new undergraduate scholarships starting in fall 2021: the Michael and Margaret Ruehling Undergraduate Public Policy Scholarship and the Martin School Undergraduate Scholarship.  

Program Offerings Minor in Public Policy available starting fall 2021

Starting in fall 2021, UK undergraduates will have the option to add a Minor in Public Policy onto their current degree program.

Program Offerings Martin's New Fully Online MPA announced in UK NOW

"The University of Kentucky’s Martin School of Public Policy and Administration continues to expand its program offerings with recent approval of a new online Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree. The online program is the second new initiative at the Martin School during the current academic year and follows last August’s introduction of a four-year public policy undergraduate degree."

Program Offerings Undergraduate Degree in 2020!

The Martin School announced on UKNOW that it will be launching a Public Policy degree (course designation PPL) in the fall of 2020.

Undergraduate Offerings New PPL Degree featured on Behind the Blue Podcast An interview with Dr. Genia Toma

Our own Dr. Genia Toma spoke with Carl Nathe on the Behind the Blue Podcast about the upcoming Public Policy undergraduate degree!

Program Offerings PFM Graduate Certificate FAQs 12-hour online program

We are thrilled to announce we are accepting applications for our Graduate Certificate in Public Financial Management!

In the press September Feature: Lessons in Compromise Henry Clay Center College Congress

KET featured the Henry Clay Center for Statesmanship's College Congress program in a mini-documentary. The Martin School partnered with the Henry Clay Center in constructing the programming for college students.