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Faculty in the News Dr. Joe Benitez featured in Washington Post article on ACA's Impact

Dr. Joseph Benitez, Associate Professor and health economist, was recently featured in a Washington Post article that examined the evolving political discourse surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA) during the Trump administration and its impact on low-income Americans. 

Research Leadership Dr. Taha Hameduddin Accepts 3 year term on ROPPA Editorial Board

Congratulations to Dr. Taha Hameduddin on being invited to a three year term (2024-2026)  on the Editorial Board of Review of Public Personnel Administration (ROPPA)! In their own words, 

Research Highlights Darolia works with National Academies

Martin School researcher's longstanding commitment to advancing research, our own Dr. Rajeev Darolia has been working with Board on Higher Education and Workforce at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine from the summer of 2023 to today. 

Zach Owen to present his capstone research project Undergraduate student accepted to present research at NCUR, Posters-at-the-Capitol

Senior, Zach Owen to present his capstone research project, "Homeownership and Mortgage Loans: How Important Is a Conventional Loan?”

Three undergrads presented their final policy briefs Fall 2023 Capstone Forum

Three students presented their capstone projects, which this semester dealt with issues of transportation, housing, and child welfare.

Drs. Iuliia Shybalkina and David Agrawal Awarded UNITE General Pilot Grant for Research on 'Race and Local Revenue Systems

Dr. Iuliia Shybalkina and Dr. David Agrawal have been selected as the Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator, respectively, for a UNITE General Pilot Grant focused on research titled "Race and Local Revenue Systems." This grant initiative is designed to provide support to projects that examine racial equity through the lens of humanities and humanistic social sciences. Their selection underscores the significance of their research in addressing the complex issues surrounding race and local revenue systems.

Dr. Rajeev Darolia appointed U.S. Department of Education senior advisor

Rajeev Darolia, Ph.D., the Wendell H. Ford Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the University of Kentucky’s Martin School of Public Policy and Administration, has joined the U.S. Department of Education as a senior advisor in the Office of the Chief Economist for one year.

Faculty in the news Dr. Agrawal quoted for WKYT story on Kentucky sales tax changes

Senior faculty member, Dr. David Agrawal, was interviewed by WKYT on changes to Kentucky tax laws in 2022 and what those changes might mean for the state and citizenry. From the article and video on the WKYT website: 

Student News MPA and Non-Profit Certificate Student Farid Al-Firdaus to present at conference American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS)-Michigan State University conference 

MPA and Non-Profit Management Certificate student, Farid Al-Firdaus will present his non-profit research at the American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS)-Michigan State University conference

Research Grants Workforce-Aligned Scholarship Programs are Focus of Martin School Grant Award Dr. Zimmer and Dr. Darolia receive $517,000 grant

Dr. Ron Zimmer and Dr. Rajeev Darolia collaborated to win a half-million dollar grant from the Walton Family Foundation to study the effectiveness of workforce-aligned scholarship programs.